While announcing that negotiations with the gate.io exchange are ongoing, look carefully at the images above and read the tweets carefully.
So far, the sale of tokens from bitget has been purchased by the team, and if their sale continues, it will be purchased by the team
Update information=
They took 872Tfwc +$5000 from us
872T tx hash =
$5000 tx hash= https://bscscan.com/tx/0x7eb0581f41e957b8bb09cfb30bb5a6eed3e59d4b9a98227919873a67f5dc14ce
sent 443T to lbank and sold half of it (transferred to Pancake and sold it) The rest of their inventory was frozed with the cooperation of the lbank team
Tx hash 443T = https://bscscan.com/tx/0xab8b8d7d8ea03e899bd74ba76645ac8ba51e2c0ba61454e82c1ebed9673d9a8e
And they sold 47T again
Tx hash =
And they sent back 381T for us
Tx hash =
Noted = So don't worry about being sold by them (they don't have any fwc tokens )
bitget should be held accountable for their actions, we will share more information with you soon.
More details:
List of losses to FWC
🔰Out of 443T sent to lbank
1_ 158T sold, address👇
2_ 39T sold, address👇
Remaining number of tokens in the exchange was frozen.
🔰Basic wallet
3_ 47T sold, address👇
4_ 5000 usdt sent, address👇
📌 So don't worry about being sold by them (they don't have any fwc tokens)
bitget should be held accountable for their actions, we will share more information with you soon.
News in next update...
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Tags : #Theft #Bitget #Exchange